Scientific programme

Interactive sessions:
The interactive poster sessions combine the classic contributed talks and posters in an attractive digital form. In addition to the posters, which are accessible throughout the whole conference, it is also possible to present the core messages of the poster in a short video abstract, which can also be accessed on-demand. During the actual poster session, each speaker will also have his or her own virtual room in which a flexible personal exchange and discussion with other conference participants is possible.

Mini symposia:
A mini-symposium is held in a time slot of twice 2 hours. The organisers are given complete freedom to design the programme within this time window. As in the classic Focus Sessions, you can use invited and contributed lectures to present the programme. But you can also schedule break-out sessions or brainstorm discussions, or mix everything. A mini-symposium is a virtual place where a thematically, methodically or otherwise defined community meets and exchanges ideas. An important role is played here by the organisers, who drive this mini-symposium with their enthusiasm and dynamics and are fully responsible for its management.